Saturday, May 3, 2014


I am so grateful to everyone who is hosting and participating in the 5k tomorrow at Lone Peak High School. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. A week and a half ago they started Jared on Pegaspargase (one of the best types of chemo). They skipped a treatment because this is the one that has the highest risk of blood clots. Jared has been sick since then. He has a poor appetite, stomach pain, weakness, nausea and vomiting. This is the sickest I ‘ve seen him. He hates going to the hospital, and we’re going back on Monday for 3 to 7 days. Jared has been feeling down and discouraged.  I am so excited for Jared, this 5k is just what he needs!  Thank you again for all the love and support!

Today as I’ve been here with Jared I found these work pictures on iphoto. Jared has been a work animal! When Aaron was 17, he started working at the carwash. After a few months, he was Employee of the Month. They asked him to be a supervisor, and then realized he wouldn’t be 18 for another month. They went ahead and Aaron was the youngest supervisor they had ever had. Shortly after Jared started working there. After a couple of months, he was Employee of the Month. They asked him to be a supervisor, even though he was only 16. I was told Aaron and Jared were the best workers at the carwash. Jared loves to work!

When he was told he had Leukemia, he was determined he would be back to work A.S.A.P. As I sat looking as those pictures of Jared at the car wash, my heart ached as I watched him laying on the couch. We are grateful he has done so well, but it still hurts to see him this way. Jared has said many times we should all be grateful for our health. He never thought about it before. Jared has had so much energy, and has been so been so strong. Sometimes we do not realize what we have until it’s gone! We should all be grateful for what we have, for we never know when we might lose it!

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