Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Time of Crisis

Life was never meant to be easy. It’s when life is difficult that we learn strength, wisdom, understanding, patience, forgiveness, compassion, and charity. This is something I try to remind myself daily during these turbulent times. We aren’t always strong. No one can be strong all the time. We have our break down moments. We have our unmeant unkind words moments. Then we stand up brush off the hurt, and make it through the day. God is far more interested in how we deal with our mistakes, than he is the mistake. This is the lesson I’m always trying to sell my children and friends on. Most likely because it’s the life lesson I struggle with the most. I feel guilt and bad about everything. I think it’s true about a lot of us that are trying so hard, but can’t do it perfect. We want to be the perfect mom, and friend. It’s not happening for us! We’re too human. Wrong and right are hardly ever-just black and white. It’s been that way since the beginning of time. A good example is Adam and Eve. Do you obey and not eat the apple, or obey and have children? It a good thing Adam and Eve didn’t know about teenagers, or it would have taken a lot more thought and time to take a bite of that apple. They may have decided to just enjoy the Garden of Eden a little longer. Anyway as we live each day in a crisis we try to stay strong all the time, but you have your meltdowns, those days when our world seems dark! As I watch Jared he seems to get sicker as the weeks pass. It’s been almost four months. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday, and sometimes it feels like a lifetime. As the days slowly go by one at a time, it is sometimes so difficult to keep positive. Especially for Jared! When he watches his friends and brother move forward as he lies in bed fighting the battle of his life. Those days when he falls in his bed exhausted at 9 p.m., when his friends and brother are off bowling. On those days when he can’t play basketball. Jared knows this is temporary, and in 3 years and 2 months it’s on with his life. That’s a long time for a 19 year old kid. It’s Jared knowing he has cancer, and his body was full of it. The doctors  won’t say cancer free, for 3 years and 2 months. We will make it through this learning experience, but it is our religious believes that make it possible.      

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