Thursday, May 22, 2014

"Jared is doing GREAT at usual!"

On Monday Jared’s labs were good, so he got to be admitted to the hospital for his planned chemo. They nurse said there are hundreds of different kinds of chemo. He should be out of the hospital Friday or Saturday depending on his labs. Dr. Finn Bo Petersen, the head Leukemia Doctor at LDS Hospital, visited Jared twice this week. He said, “Jared is doing GREAT at usual”. Makes you wonder what life would be like if every major decision we needed to make in life would be made after our blood was sent to the lab, so we’d know if we were going to be strong enough to make it through our next learning experience. Would our labs come back better than we think or worse?
The question would be what do we do to make our labs better. I think we know the answer to that one! Makes you wonder if Heavenly Father does labs on us before we are hit with our next big learning experience! If he does, than Jared’s labs must be doing great there also! As the chemo builds up in Jared’s body he seems to get sicker to his stomach. This week cup noodles is what Jared is craving. It seems to be one of the few things he does not throw up as much. On Tuesday morning I would get out my computer, and start working. As soon as I was really into my project, Jared kept asking me, ”Do you know what I I’m really, really craving?”
Then he would go into his chant, “cup of noodles, cup of noodles, cup of noodles,” while banging his fist on the table!  The nurse was laughing as she watched me running across the hall to make 5-cup noodles before noon for Jared. As we encourage him to have a little more variety, he had a harder time keeping his food down. So much for outside advise! While in the hospital, he tries to make escape plans, and flirts with the nurses!  So I guess we could say Jared is acting like himself!

Kristina posted on Facebook, "So I spent the night in the hospital last night with Jared, and this morning his Patient Care Assistant, Mercedes, came in and was an older, hispanic woman--one we had never met. Jared has this thing where he asks every nurse and PCA if they have a Tinder; so he asked this one as well. He says, "Mercedes, do you have a Tinder?" She goes, "Huh.... what is that, a car?" He said, "Nooooo... It's a dating website, where you meet friends!" And she said, "I know you're trying to make a joke, but I don't understand." To say the least, I couldn't help but burst out laughing soooo loud!! This kid."

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