Saturday, May 10, 2014


We’re home again! We were admitted Monday afternoon to LDS Hospital, and released Friday afternoon. One hospital visit down, and three to go over the next seven weeks. Of course Jared responded very quickly to his chemo treatments and the antidote in the hospital. 
Polynesian Sandals

Part of his treatment was to shoot chemo into his spine, and check to make sure there are no leukemia cells. Everything went great, and no leukemia cells! His labs were great, the Doctor was pleasantly surprised at how quickly he responded. If all goes well these should be the only hospital stays. Jared handled the hospital great. Kristina came with us when Jared was being admitted. As the three of us walked down the hall, we realized we all were wearing the same Polynesian sandals. It was kind of funny! It was easy to see that he was feeling as well as can be expected, because he continually joked and teased with the nurses and doctors. Although he has been quite nauseated the last three weeks. One poor nurse was in the middle of caring for Jared, while Jared called the nurses station and asked if they could send his nurse to his room. Jared’s lips go really chapped, so he called the nurses desk to ask for Chap Stick. The receptionist acted a little funny and said, “we don’t have any”. A few minutes later the nurse came into his room and said, “What do you need chopstick for? You have a sandwich”. Jared said, “I asked for chap stick.” The nurse said, “I was trying to find you chopsticks.”

 I was a little concerned when we were getting ready to leave. Jared said, “What the crap! I can’t get his sandals on. They don’t fit!” He looked over and saw his sandals. Jared had been trying to put my Polynesian sandals on.

Again thank you all for your prayers, 
and constant concern!


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that he is home.
    Happy Mother's Day to you.
