Monday, May 5, 2014

Back At LDS Hospital

Life can be confusing! The Doctor told us all of Jared’s labs are good so Jared got to be admitted back into the hospital. I just seemed so funny to me, to have Jared well enough to go to the hospital. Life is so backward at times! It is all part of his treatment. For the next two months, ever other week, if his labs are good enough. I’m sure poor Jared wasn’t sure if he wanted good labs or not. He really didn’t want to be here today, but he wants to get better ASAP. It’s kind of funny when I see a nurse that knows us, they have that look “Oh no, why are you here again!” I always smile and say, “Jared is doing great! We’re here as part of our Chemo plan”. They smile and say, “Good!” Kristina came for a visit, and made being admitted to the hospital fun!

The 5k really wore him out, but he was so thrilled! He was so glad to run with all the people that were there for him! That seems backwards too! Once he could run up Mount Timp! Just when you’re heading the right way, your glad you’re going the other way. Today Jared said, "I just wish I could start living my life, and I didn't have to stand still for 3 years." Look at all of us just wishing we could stand still and be bored. Just when we think we want to move ahead, life changes! Life happens so we can learn from where we're at. Life happens so we can learn that we can be happy, even when we don’t get what we think is best. So often we look back and understand. We look back and see it needed to happen just the way it did. That’s when we smile to ourselves, and say, “No wonder He's the boss. He really does know it all! He love us so much He doesn’t give us everything we want, but he does give us what we need when we ask”.

So "hello" from where Jared doesn’t want to be, but where he needs to be! 

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