Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Simple Smile?

On Sunday, April 2, Lisa wrote on Facebook, “In November when I left Blake, I made the single greatest decision I've ever made, but I knew there was something more to it..... Looking back on it now, I needed to leave Ohio and move back to Utah so I could be here to support my family and my little brother! I've learned so much watching my little brother deal and struggle with his battle against cancer... But his positivity is what keeps me going!”

On Sunday, April 2, Jared  wrote on Facebook, “Just know your Dreams & Ideas are waiting for you to make them a reality”. He also wrote, “It's IMPOSSIBLE to accomplish anything without FAITH. You MUST HAVE FAITH”.

This experience has truly had an impact on all of our lives. We have a greater understanding of these two great quotes. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and "To live is to suffer; to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering".

Monday we went to LDS Hospital for our weekly appointment. Everything looks good, except Jared’s red blood cell count was to low. So he got his first blood transfusion, which took about three hours. On Tuesday he saw the Dr. Kaplan, his Neurologist. Everything seems fine with his blood clot. He will have to continue the shots in his stomach for three more months, to prevent any future blood clots. That’s only about 90 more shots in his stomach. He says he use to them now, but he’ll sure be happy when they can stop! His energy level is very low. However the blood transfusion should help. I think the most difficult thing for Jared right now is he can’t Smile. He worry’s it will never come back, so please pray Jared will be able to SMILE again!
The doctors are hopeful and see improvement. It is slow, so Jared can’t see it. Something we don’t even think about each day, yet it’s one of Jared’s greatest challenges. A simple smile is no longer simple to Jared. So for today look in the mirror and smile, and be grateful you can! Then share it with everyone! Please everyone smile today for Jared! The other thing that is difficult for Jared is that 40 months of fighting leukemia. We see the missionaries leave for 24 months, and it seems like such a long time for their loved ones. 40 months is a long time for a young man to have to be tied to a hospital, and leukemia! We are grateful for all of you and your prayers! Please pray for the safe return of Jared’s smile, it is greatly missed!

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