We had our weekly visit to LDS Hospital
for two different kinds of Chemo. All of Jared’s labs looked good. Hopefully we
only have have four and a half more months of intense Chemo, before the
three-year maintenance starts. Of course that all depends on the outcome of his
labs. Some people have an allergic reaction to one of the Chemo’s he got
today. I went down to the main Pharmacy to get EpiPen.
The Pharmacist taught me
how to use the EpiPen and said that this is just a temporary fix if he does have
as reaction. If he does, he told me to get him to the hospital as soon as
possible! Then he said, “I hope I didn’t scare you."
EpiPen |
I laughed and said,
“My son has Leukemia. We’ve been through multiple spinal taps, bone marrow
biopsy’s, chemo, a port in his chest, a blood clot on his brain, my son gives
himself two Lovenox shots daily, and Chemo at home. I think we can handle

I then thought of all the times I have heard of people facing
difficult challenges, and thinking I could never do that. None of us know what
we can do, until we do it. When we are tossed into a huge learning
experience, we realize that everyone we love and care about is there with us.
We are not alone!
That thought can bring great comfort, but also great
responsibility. You want to be there for everyone, and protect them as much as
possible. However for me I know my children are looking to me as their teacher
in life. I know the way I choose to handle a situation will influence how they
will handle difficult challenges. This thought gives my mind clarity. I ask
myself, “How would I want my children to handle difficult challenges?” It helps
me to deal with them the way my Father in Heaven would want me to. The great
pay off is when you watch them facing difficult challenges, and they follow you--as
their role model. In day-to-day life it’s easier to forget our children are
watching and learning. However when you face difficult challenges, you realize
how important it is. Before we face difficult challenges it is easy to sell
ourselves short thinking we could never do that! Then one day it all changes in
an instant!
An EpiPen that sounded really scary now becomes part of your
everyday life to keep your child alive. As a parent we will do anything for our
children. As we force ourselves to rise to meet challenges, we begin to
understand why a loving Father doesn’t remove our challenges. Instead he sends
Angels to walk with us. He gently whispers in our ears, “You can do this,
you’re not alone, and I will lead the way”. All we have to do is ask for help,
and listen!
Uncle Aaron & Wesley |
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