Sunday, March 23, 2014

Our Life Lesson Plan

Jared is doing very well for being on Chemotherapy. He may have to have a blood transfusion, because his red blood cell count is low. This condition has caused Jared’s energy level to be lower. On Monday the doctor said she could see improvement in his facial movement. This Monday Jared does not have to have a spinal tap! Which is GREAT NEWS!!!
Jared     Aaron     Sherri     Kristina     Lisa     Mark 
Jared                   Sherri
They are quite painful. I have also noticed that after Jared has a spinal tap his face doesn’t improve as much. I asked the doctor, if that could be true. The doctor said yes the spinal tap could cause some inflammation, in the spine where the nerves for the face are.
One of his biggest challenges Jared is facing is low energy, and feeling sick most of the time. For the next two weeks Jared will go to LDS Hospital for Test and Chemo just once a week. I cannot even imagine how anyone can keep up with this procedure. It’s constantly changing. Again thank you all for your loving support. By the way, our heating bill went from over $300 to $113. 

I know last month it wasn’t as cold. However our home was warmer than it has been in a couple of years. Dan asked Lisa and I if he could turn the heat down to 68 degrees at night. We said please turn it down to 65 degrees; we aren’t use to it being this warm. You have all been our angels on earth sent to help our family through this difficult time. Saying Thank you is not enough! I only pray as each of you face your earthy learning experiences you will receive as greatly as we have. Sometimes we wonder why me. I think I must have not been listening in Heaven, cause it seems like I have so much to learn. I think Jared must have something really important he needs to do. I think there are people he will need to reach out to. As I have watched him grow and evolve, I am sure he is being prepared. When life is easy we never learn as much. It seems that we gain depth, compassion, wisdom, and understanding, when we attend the college of hard knocks.
Sherri              Ginger
Lisa    Kristina    Mark    Jared    Aaron    Sherri
He rested a while and pushed the rock until suppertime. The man loved pushing against the rock, it gave him meaning – his dream was so real that he knew he was doing something great for God. Day after day he pushed. The days rolled into week, and the weeks became months as he faithfully pushed against the rock. After 8 months of pushing the rock, this little man was getting tired of pushing the rock and in his tiredness he started to doubt his dream. So one day he measured from his porch to the rock, and every day after pushing the rock, he would measure again. After two weeks of pushing and measuring, he realized he had not moved the boulder even a fraction of an inch.

He was so disappointed that he sat on his porch and cried and cried. It was then that Jesus came and sat down next to the man told him to step in front of the mirror and look at himself. As an act of obedience the man stepped in front of a mirror and looked at himself. He was amazed at what he saw. He had been small and weak and now he was a strong muscular man. Then the man realized, that the plan of God was not for the rock, but for the man.

Life is so amazing! I think of all the people that have been sent to this earth, and each of us is different. We look different, sound different, our homes are different, and we each have different things we need to learn. Thirty years ago, I had the largest home preschool in Orem, Utah. I had six classes, some on MWF, and some on TTH. I also taught a reading class. At times I had 75 students. People would say how amazing I was. All I could think is you don’t know about the hole in my coat pocket. I always thought I’ll fix it, but I never got around to it!                                                                                                
  Kristina              Ginger
One day I sat in Church and looked around at all the incredible women. I wished I could decorate my house like that sister. I wished I could sit on the bed each night like another sister and read stories to my children. As I looked around, and thought about each of these woman, I thought, “but Ginger you don’t know about the whole in their pocket. It would be impossible for you to have the great traits each of these women has. Just be the best you, you can be.” I pray that as I write this Blog it might help give incouragement to others traveling along the rocky path of life. I hope you feel free to leave comments and share experiences that have helped you. To share the hole in your pockets, and where you have found the strength to face difficult days!

1 comment:

  1. You said it- "When life is easy we never learn as much. It seems that we gain depth, compassion, wisdom, and understanding, when we attend the college of hard knocks." Such true words- and a big help to me. Thank you!
