Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Jared’s Miracle!

It’s been two years since Jared refused any more chemo treatments. Jared  decided that he needed to do everything you could to make sure as much as possible that the cancer would not return.  Jared, and I returned to LDS HOSPITAL to talk to the leukemia department on how Jared could resume his treatments. Lab tests were run, and the first doctor spoke to us. She felt that they would need to do a bone marrow biopsy so that we can get a more accurate assessment of what treatment would be the most necessary. After the blood tests were reviewed by several doctors we were led to a conference room. The lead Dr. met us there. He started out by reminding Jared of our appointment two years ago when Jared refused any more treatments. He went over what had been told to Jared at that meeting. He said, “We were pretty hard on you. We told you that if you stop the treatment, leukemia would most likely return and we would probably not be able to fight it.” He explained that through all the studies they have done they have found with this type of leukemia three years of maintenance chemo was necessary to prevent the cancer from coming back. Then he looked at Jared and with the wide smile said, “ Jared you made the right decision. You have received your miracle. He continued to tell us how Jared’s blood test were perfect that they felt there was no need for a bone biopsy. He continually told us how absolutely rare this was and that it was definitely a miracle. As a group they decided that they did not think chemo was the way to go for Jared at this point. He will continue to go to LDS every two months for blood test. They do not declare someone cancer free for five years after their last treatment. So for the next three years, they will continue to study and watch Jared’s blood test and have six-month examinations. With a wide smile he continued to tell Jared that every time he came in for a blood test and it continued to be the same that his chances were greater as time progressed. Again we thank all of you for your faith and prayers. We believe miracles happen with great faith of many people. Thank you for your Faith!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Jared was gone from being deported to being reported! Yesterday they put a new port on the right side of his chest. This port is under the skin, so we don’t have the high risk of an infection going to his chest. Now Jared will be able to take showers and go swimming. Jared will continue to receive chemo in low doses for the next three years, so the new port keeps his blood veins from collapsing. Because it was minor surgery, he is currently in a lot of pain. Saturday he finished the radiation treatments (and no, he doesn’t glow in the dark). His head is extremely sensitive, so we shaved it again. I can’t even imagine what it has been like for Jared these last nine months, having to realize you might be facing death. It's just not something a 19 year-old boy should have to think about. I see him wondering what he may never experience in this life, not knowing if he’ll get married or ever have children, however he keeps a positive attitude. After my accident it was hard for my children when they realized they really could lose their mom. Now they know without a doubt how fragile life can be. We never know when we might be called to our eternal home. Jared has told me he’s not afraid of death, but I think it’s the fear of not getting to experience everything you look forward to when your growing up. But for now, I am more than confident he will continue growing up and will be able to experience all of these things and I can't wait to watch him do it. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Jared was deported today! Wait, I better explain! It’s the wonderful day we’ve been waiting for! Jared’s port was removed from his chest today! It was minor surgery, with just a local. He stayed home and took it easy, however he didn’t want anything for the pain. And with all the radiation, he only threw up once.
We had a party Friday to send Aaron off for his move to Denver, Kristina leaving for B.Y.U. Hawaii and for Jared entering maintenance chemo. We talked about what we had learned, especially Jared, and let go of eight balloons, one for each month Jared’s done chemo.
Jared started Radiation treatments on Monday. Five days a week for two weeks he will get a few minutes of radiation. Just saying it makes me want to cry! It’s scary! However at the same time, I’m so grateful for everything they are doing for Jared. Shaking, with tears in my eyes, I am reminded again that we can’t always control what we are experiencing, but we can control how we deal with it. Every minute of everyday we are choosing how to act, think, feel, and learn about what we are experiencing in life! Our children will learn more from our example than from our words! As our children make their own choices, sometimes we question our ability as parents. A couple of months ago, someone said, "By todays standards, Lehi’s family was very dysfunctional." I love that thought! Lehi did a great job being a father! Maybe Lehi had the children he had because God saw the big picture. Nephi became strong because of all of his brothers! He became strong because of his challenges! Maybe Jared’s Leukemia is his Laman and Lemuel.